
This closed trail was reopened along with seven others through the efforts of Stewards of the Sequoia working in conjunction with the Forest Service.
What about you? Have you ever wondered how to stop the seemingly endless trail closures?
Stewards of the Sequoia are here to help.
Stewards of the Sequoia was created to help keep Sequoia trails open to everyone.
Since our beginnings in 2004 Stewards of the Sequoia have been the largest on the ground volunteer organization in the Sequoia. Stewards volunteers have performed maintenance on over4000 miles of trails on Sequoia BLM and National Forest lands.
Check out Stewards Volunteer Hour Meter.
No organization works harder or is as effective as Stewards of the Sequoia at keeping Sequoia trails open to everyone. See Stewards Who We Are Video
Over the past twenty years Stewards of the Sequoia have accomplished so much:
- Stewards prevented the closure of over 160 miles of trails since 2004
- We are the largest on the Ground Volunteer Organization-in our Award winning Trail Appreciation Volunteer program formally recognized by Federal and State Legislators and the Forest Service and BLM
- Maintained over 4000 miles of trails since 2004 such as in Kennedy Meadows
- Cleared over 10,000 downed trees that were blocking the trails and to reduce trail braiding
- Installed or maintained over 5200 water bars to reduce erosion so trails do not turn into massive no fun ruts and promote forest health
- Cleared hundreds of miles of brush to keep trails open and to reopen Whiskey Flat and Tobias Trails
- Provided over 2000 hours of labor to build six miles of new trail in the Kern Canyon and Greenhorn
- Stopped Just Outstanding Top 100 rated single track from being bulldozed into a road….TWICE!!!
- Attend Regional Forest Planning meetings as a Stakeholder and spearheaded movement to have Recreation become a priority in Forest Planning.
- Reopened the closed Portuguese Pass Trail
- Stopped the closure of the Siretta Trail
- Planted over 500 trees to speed reforestation
- Work with BLM to develop their Resource Management Plan to keep all trails open and build new trails
- Built six miles of new Keyesville Classic trail to restore the full single track experience.
- Provided over $1,000,000 in Community and Environmental benefit through volunteer work
- Research thousands of pages of planning documents and write substantive comments which keep trails open to multiple use and allow management to promote Forest Health.
- Developed the concept to release 43 million acres of lands that were studied and found to be unsuitable for Wilderness and testified in Washington DC in favor of keeping 43 million acres of lands open to Multiple Use before Congressional Sub Committee
- Uncovered State Water Board Plan that would likely have eliminated most public access and closed roads and trails on all National Forest in California
- Worked with Congressman McCarthy drafting a letter which was signed by 40 other legislators asking the Forest Chief to allow for robust recreation of all forms on forest lands and simplify rules to encourage recreation.
- Prevented the elimination of lakeside vehicle camping access around Lake Isabella
- Work proactively and with other organizations to preserve access for all and promote forest health
- Prevented the closure of 25% of the trails in 2005. Then Drafted a pro access Trail Plan which was then adopted as the Proposed Action in 2011
We need your support so we can continue Stewards successful Trail Preservation Program.
Member donations from people like you are what has provided the funding to enable Stewards to accomplish so much and keep your trails open
JOIN Stewards now and be part of the solution for keeping Sequoia trails open
Learn about Stewards Trail Building and Trail Projects.

Stewards Receive State Conservation Award
Each year since 1974 the California Off Road Vehicle Association- Los Aventureros State Conservation given to the organization who has contributed most towards conservation of off-road opportunities. Stewards of the Sequoia is honored to receive the award in recognition of our successful efforts to keep motorized trails open in Sequoia READ MORE>>>>>
Access Granted-Keeping Trails Open

The American Motorcyclist Association magazine interviewed Stewards of the Sequoia Executive Director about the long path that led to the creation of Stewards of the Sequoia.
“I was determined to step up and do my part to stop the closures of our public lands especially motorized single track…………
Read the entire AMA article HERE

Bakersfield Life Magazine found Stewards Executive Director efforts to keep Sequoia trails open embodies Conservation. Read More>>>>>

Stewards of the Sequoia volunteers planted over 600 Native Pines, Oaks, Cottonwoods & Willows to speed the reforestation of the 2004 McNally and 2021 Castle Fire burn areas.

Become a Stewards Member
Link to the Story Behind Stewards