Stewards of the Sequoia Volunteer Hours
Stewards of the Sequoia has been the largest on the ground volunteer group in Sequoia Forest and Sequoia BLM lands since we started in 2004
4 | 2 | 2 | 5 |
Miles of Trail Maintained by Stewards of the Sequoia-removing downed trees, brushing and installing water bars or other tread work since 2004
3 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 7 |
Stewards of the Sequoia-Volunteer Hours since 2004 on Forest Service and BLM managed lands
The above Stewards of the Sequoia volunteer work since 2004 includes:
- Installing 5341 water bars to reduce erosion
- Clearing 10,168 trees from the trails
- Removing brush from hundreds of miles of trails
- Planting over 540 trees to speed reforestation in burn areas
- Providing more than $1.2 million in Trail Maintenance
Stewards members clearly care about public trails and the environment.
Congratulations to all our volunteers. You made this happen!!
Please DONATE if you have not volunteered to help your trails